Thursday, July 17, 2008

Does UK MP Vince Cable, who spots a big finance hole in Brown's policies, also see a Crossrail hole, on the Lib Dems MPs side??

“....The truth is that the Government's revenue is collapsing.... the Government is getting into a bigger and bigger hole on public finances. And there simply isn't the money to afford concessions of this kind....”

Vince Cable, a UK MP, speaking in the BBC television on Wednesday 16 July 2008, about Alligator Darling’s postponement of a rise in fuel tax.

KHOODEELAAR! No to “Crossrail hole” CAMPAIGN says at 1010 GMT Thursday 17 July 2008: We agree with Vince Cable. Again! But what about Mr Cable’s alleged colleagues in the House of Commons Lib Dems group? Do THEY understand what Mr Cable has repeatedly shown he does about the UK Public finances? If they do then why is the Lib de,s’ latest ‘Transport spokesperson’ silent about the CRASSness of committing £Billions of public money to Crossrail hole? Is Isn’t that making the public finance HOLE the Govt is getting into even DEEPER? And is that a wise hole to dig and get dug in? Or are Vince Cables’ Lib Dems co-MPs, who are silent on the wastefulness and foolishness of public finance imprudence being shown by Gordon Brown in committing £Billions to Crossrail, silent because they have been, to put it in the word recently ‘devised and deployed about Keith Vaz’, promised ‘rewards’ or been already ‘rewarded’ on behalf of the Big Business via their lobby? [To be continued]

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